Max greets his mother in the morning:
Gargole, Gorgon and Soy sauce.
Max greets his mother in the morning:
Gargole, Gorgon and Soy sauce.
I’m looking at my belly button. Omphaloskepsis!
Dad is one of those obnoxious NPR-listening, wood-toy-buying, balsamic-vinegar-sprinkling, tweed-jacket-wearing parents that teaches his kid absurd words.
Boneman is a 30cm tall plastic skeleton with rubber guts. ( But in our bobo family, we would not say “guts” any more than eat iceberg lettuce. ) Max found boneman, but not his intestines:
Where is the squeaking viscera? I can’t find the squeaking viscera!
That’s not a crunch-house. That’s a Baby!
The ox has an oxident. Red blood cells cary oxident through your blood vessels to every part of your body.