The Minotaur and the Plunger

Could you plunger up the alarming creatures?

We think this has something to do with mythical creatures and dinosaurs fighting. Max frequently talks about “using defense” while holding his thumbs out with closed fists. The thumbs are a reference to Iguanodon, an ornithopod with prominent spikes for thumbs.

He is also very interested in the result of fights between various monsters, such as the Minotaur vs the Wolfman. We suppose it is just his version of fantasy baseball or the Marvel hero vs the D.C. hero.

Bald Headed Baby

Bald Headed Baby doesn’t say “Waaah.” He says “Where’s my treat?”BaldHeadedBaby2

Bald Headed Baby is Max’s favorite 10th century B.C. clay Olmec figurine. Yes, his parent are also baffled. We guess he just likes babies.

To further explain, Max adds:

I like the bald headed baby. He’s a Meso-American baby.

The Discovery Of Felisaurus Charliecus

After months of preparation, and about 20 minutes in the field, noted Palentologist Maxwell Busboom is prepared to announce the discovery of an entirely new Genus, Felisaurus Charliecus. Discovered in lightly compacted clay loam and histosol with a shallow overburden, the fosil is estimated to be 2×10-6 MYO. Although excavation is incomplete, Maxwell is confident it is a significant discovery.


Max will continue excavating the fossil and expects to make it available for public viewing in three months.


Cute Mispronounciations

Aren’t kids supposed to have a few words they mispronounce?  It’s both cute and non-threatening, assuring parent that there will be be a few more years before the kid is both smarter and taller.

Dad: What did you see at the fair? Did you see a Griffon? Did you see a … Cerberus? Did you see a Chimera?

Max: No daddy: you’re supposed to say “Kye-Mer-Ah”.

The obsession with mythology is bad enough, but does he really have to call attention to Dad’s prole interpretation of Latin? At least dad is still taller than him.

Sputee The Sputum Cup

sputeeMax has been fascinated with disease and epidemics, with his recently favorite books being Epidemics and Pandemics. He is particularly fond of sputum cups and quack doctors.  Here is his contribution to epidemiology, Sputee the Sputum Cup.